vol. 39, no. 1 (2006)
Philippine Journal of Psychology
The Philippine Journal of Psychology(PJP) is an international refereed journal published biannually by the Psychological Association of the Philippines. It is the flagship journal of psychology in the Philippines, and its principal aim is to promote psychological studies in the Philippines and psychological studies of the Filipino people. The PJP publishes articles representing scholarly works of Philippine psychologists, articles on psychological studies conducted with Filipino participants and/or conducted in Philippine society, cross-cultural studies including a Philippine sample, and articles of general interest to psychologists studying and working with Filipino people.
Table of contents
Preliminary Pages
Information for Authors
The Effects of Procedural Justice and Distributive Justice Criteria on Secondary School Teachers' Fairness Appraisal
Ferdinand S. Piñgul
Discipline: Education, Psychology, Organizational Culture
Are You Happy Now? Agreement of Self- , Father -, and Mother -Reports on Judgments of Life Satisfaction of Filipino College Students
Eric Julian Manalastas | Alric V. Mondragon
Discipline: Psychology, Family and Relationships
Structural Similarities among Significant Others and Acquaintances: Measurable?
Gilda Dans-lopez
Discipline: Psychology
Conceptual and Psychometric Properties of a Foreign Language Learning Motivation Questionnaire
Richard Dlc Gonzales
Discipline: Psychology
Exploring Differences in Work Attitudes of Professionals in Family and Non-Family Businesses
Farida R. Pangan | Ma. Regina M. Hechanova | Edna P. Franco | Ricardo H. Mercado | Carmelo V. Lopez
Discipline: Family and Relationships, Business Management
The Relationship of Human Resource Management Roles and Practices and Organization Effectiveness Mendiola T. Calleja
Mendiola Teng-calleja
Discipline: Human Resources Management
The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Organizational Commitment: Investigating the Mediating Roles of Perceived Organizational Support and Procedural Justice
Robert L. Tang | Simon Lloyd D. Restubog | Gary B. Rodriguez | Peter Lemuel T. Cayayan
Discipline: Human Resources Management, Organizational Culture
Gender Differences in Scientific Productivity of Academic Scientists in the Philippines
Marshall N. Valencia
Discipline: Sociology, Gender Studies
Risk Factors and Causal Processes in Juvenile Delinquency: Research and Implications for Prevention
Liane Pena Alampay
Discipline: Psychology, Child Development