vol. 18, no. 1 (2009)
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher


The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher is indexed and abstracted in the Social Sciences Citation Index, Social Scisearch, and Journal Citation Reports/Social Science Edition. The journal is listed in the Thomson ISI and Elsevier SCOPUS. It is an international refereed journal of original research in education, published triannually by the Academic Publications Office, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines. It aims principally to provide a venue for the publication of empirical and theoretical studies in education, with emphasis on the experiences of successful educational systems in the Asia-Pacific Region and of the national educational systems therein that are presently underrepresented in the research literature. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher is indexed by Thomson Reuters (formerly ISI) and with an Impact Factor of 0.632 in the 2010 Journal Citation Reports/Social Science Edition.


Potential Citation/s: 38

Category: Education & Educational Research |

ISSN 2243-7908 (Online)

ISSN 0119-5646 (Print)

Other issues

Table of contents

Open Access Subscription Access

Front Matter

Editorial Board

Research Article

Editorial Board

Revisiting the Relationships of Epistemological Beliefs and Conceptions about Teaching and Learning of Pre-Service Teachers in Hong Kong

Angel Kit-yi Wong | Kwok-wai Chan | Po-yin Lai

Discipline: Education, Learning

The Effect of Teaching Approaches on the Pattern of Pupil's Cognitive Structure: Some Evidence from the Field

Mehmet Bahar | Erdal Tongaç

Discipline: Cognitive Learning

Understanding Technology Acceptance in Pre-Service Teachers: A Structural-Equation Modeling Approach

Timothy Teo | Paul Van Schalk

Discipline: Education Development

The Implementation of Communicative Language Teaching: An Investigation of Students' Viewpoints

I-fang Chung | Yi-cheng Huang

Discipline: Education, Learning

'I love Cantonese but I want English' - A Qualitative Account of Hong Kong Students' Language Attitudes

Mee-ling Lai

Discipline: Education, Languages

China's Lifelong Education: In Comparison with United States' Lifelong Education

Baoren Su

Discipline: Education

A Procedure for Assessing Textbook Support for Reasoned Thinking

L D. Newton | D P. Newton

Discipline: Education

Singaporean and Taiwanese Pre-service Teachers' Beliefs and their Attitude Towards ICT Use: A Comparative Study

Ching Sing Chai | Huang-yao Hong | Timothy Teo

Discipline: Education Development

Possible Biases in Educational Journals: A Retrospective Study of Five Leading Journals

Chi-kim Cheung

Discipline: Education, Notes and Scribblings

Elementary School Teachers' Views about the Critical Pedagogy

Kursad Yilmaz

Discipline: Education