vol. 19, no. 1 (2010)
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher is indexed and abstracted in the Social Sciences Citation Index, Social Scisearch, and Journal Citation Reports/Social Science Edition. The journal is listed in the Thomson ISI and Elsevier SCOPUS.
It is an international refereed journal of original research in education, published triannually by the Academic Publications Office, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines. It aims principally to provide a venue for the publication of empirical and theoretical studies in education, with emphasis on the experiences of successful educational systems in the Asia-Pacific Region and of the national educational systems therein that are presently underrepresented in the research literature.
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher is indexed by Thomson Reuters (formerly ISI) and with an Impact Factor of 0.632 in the 2010 Journal Citation Reports/Social Science Edition.
Table of contents
Front Matter
Editorial Board
Asian Personal Epistemologies and Beyond: Overview and Some Reflections
Benjamin Wong | Ching Sing Chai | Eric R. Punzalan
Discipline: Philosophy, Culture
The Role of Epistemological Beliefs in Hong Kong Pre-service Teachers' Learning
Kwok-wai Chan
Discipline: Education, Philosophy
Modelling the Relationships among Beliefs about Learning, Knowledge, and Teaching of Pre-Service Teachers in Singapore
Ching Sing Chai | Timothy Teo | Chwee Beng Lee
Discipline: Education
The Relations Between Scientific Epistemological Beliefs and Approaches to Learning Science Among Science-Major Undergraduates in Taiwan
Jyh-chong Liang | Min-hsien Lee | Chin-chung Tsai
Discipline: Education, Philosophy
Looking at Filipino Pre-service Teachers' Value for Education through Epistemological Beliefs about Learning and Asian Values
Carlo Magno
Discipline: Education, Philosophy
Examining Epistemological Beliefs of Pre-service Teachers in Korea
Hyo-jeong So | Ji-yeon Lee | Seak-zoon Roh | Sang-kon Lee
Discipline: Education, Philosophy
Teacher-Education Students' Epistemological Belief Change through Collaborative Knowledge Building
Shu-ping Lin | Huang-yao Hong
Discipline: Education, Philosophy
South China Education Majors' Epistemological Beliefs and their Conceptions of the Nature of Science
Ching Sing Chai | Feng Deng | Yangyi Qian | Benjamin Wong
Discipline: Education, Philosophy
Epistemological Beliefs and Theory of Planned Behavior: Examining Beliefs about Knowledge and Knowing as Distal Predictors of Indonesian Tertiary Students' Intention to Study
Gregory Arief D. Liem | Allan B.I Bernardo
Discipline: Education, Philosophy
Linking Students' Epistemological Beliefs with their Metacognition in a Chemistry Classroom
Richard Pulmones
Discipline: Education, Philosophy
Exploring High School Students' Views Regarding the Nature of Scientific Theory: A Study in Taiwan
Meichun Lydia Wen | Pi-chu Kuo | Chin-chung Tsai | Chun-yen Chang
Discipline: Education, Science
Personal Epistemology in Asia: Burgeoning Research and Future Directions
Barbara K. Hofer
Discipline: Philosophy