vol. 21, no. 1 (2012)
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher is indexed and abstracted in the Social Sciences Citation Index, Social Scisearch, and Journal Citation Reports/Social Science Edition. The journal is listed in the Thomson ISI and Elsevier SCOPUS.
It is an international refereed journal of original research in education, published triannually by the Academic Publications Office, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines. It aims principally to provide a venue for the publication of empirical and theoretical studies in education, with emphasis on the experiences of successful educational systems in the Asia-Pacific Region and of the national educational systems therein that are presently underrepresented in the research literature.
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher is indexed by Thomson Reuters (formerly ISI) and with an Impact Factor of 0.632 in the 2010 Journal Citation Reports/Social Science Edition.
Table of contents
Front Matter
Editorial Board
Special Section on Learning Sciences in the Asia-Pacific Countries
Editorial: Learning Sciences Research in the Asia Pacific Countries
Cher-ping Lim | Seng-chee Tan
Discipline: Education
Learning Sciences Research in Asia Pacific Countries from 1997 to 2010: A Content Analysis of Publications in Selected Journals
Ching Sing Chai | Chin-chung Tsai | Cher-ping Lim | Chiou-hui Chou | Seng-chee Tan
Discipline: Education
A Collaborative Professional Development Model for Rapid Collaborative Knowledge Improvement in Singapore Schools
Yanjie Song | Wenli Chen | Chee-kit Looi
Discipline: Education
Design-based Research: Understanding its Application in a Teacher Professional Development Study in Indonesia
Eunice Sari | Cher-ping Lim
Discipline: Education
A Learning Journey in Problem-based Learning in a Physics Classroom
Hyeoncheol Kim | Seng-chee Tan | Yew-jin Lee
Discipline: Education
Collaborative Mobile Learning in Situ from Knowledge Building Perspectives
Hyo-jeong So | Esther Consuelo C. Tan
Discipline: Education
Locality-Based Science Education in Sociocultural Approach: ‘Scientific Exploration in Culture’ in the Context of Korea
Sungmin Im | Sung-jae Pak
Discipline: Education, Sociology
Facilitating Third Graders’ Acquisition of Scientific Concepts through Digital Game-Based Learning: The Effects of Self-Explanation Principles
Chung-yuan Hsu | Chin-chung Tsai | Hung-yuan Wang
Discipline: Education
Exploring the Structure of Science Self-efficacy: A Model Built on High School Students’ Conceptions of Learning and Approaches to Learning in Science
Chiou-hui Chou | Jyh-chong Liang
Discipline: Education
The Interaction between Junior-High Students’ Academic and Social Motivations and the Influences of the Motivational Factors on Science Performance
Fang-ying Yang | Ju-shi Tseng | Mei-hsing Lin
Discipline: Education, Sociology
Web-Based Assessment with Number Right Elimination Testing (NRET) Scoring for Multiple-Choice Items
Sie-hoe Lau | Kian-sam Hong | Ngee-kiong Lau | Hasbee Usop
Discipline: Education
Multi-Method, Multi-Theoretical, Multi-Level Research in the Learning Sciences
Kenneth Tobin | Stephen M. Ritchie
Discipline: Education
A Comparison of the Effects of University Learning Experiences on Student Leadership at Taiwanese General and Technical Universities
Ching-ling Wu
Discipline: Education
A Comparison between Asian and Pacific Islands Students in Their Use of Academic Advising services
Marcus Henning | Emmanuel Manalo | I'u Tuagalu
Discipline: Education
How Teacher-Student Relationship Influenced Student Attitude towards Teachers and School
Vivien S. Huan | Gwendoline Choon Lang Quek | Lay See Yeo Kim Taeyong | Rebecca P. Ang | Wan Har Chong
Discipline: Education
Elementary School Students' Foreign Language Learning Demotivation: A Mixed Methods Study of Korean EFL Context
Tae-young Kim | Hyo-jeong So
Discipline: Education
Sources and Consequences of Turkish Middle School Students’ Science Self-Efficacy
Dekant Kıran | Semra Sungur
Discipline: Education, Psychology
Mobile Language Learning: Contribution of Multimedia Messages via Mobile Phones in Consolidating Vocabulary
Murat Saran | Gölge SeferoÄŸlu
Discipline: Education, Technology
An Assessment of Pre-Service Teachers’ Technology Acceptance in Turkey: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach
Timothy Teo | Omer Faruk UrsavaÅŸ | Ekrem Bahçekapili
Discipline: Education
Are They Efficacious? Exploring Pre-Service Teachers’ Teaching Efficacy Beliefs during the Practicum
Sevgi Aydin | Betül Dem?rdö?en | AyÅŸegül Tarkin
Discipline: Education