vol. 20, no. 1 (2011)
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher is indexed and abstracted in the Social Sciences Citation Index, Social Scisearch, and Journal Citation Reports/Social Science Edition. The journal is listed in the Thomson ISI and Elsevier SCOPUS.
It is an international refereed journal of original research in education, published triannually by the Academic Publications Office, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines. It aims principally to provide a venue for the publication of empirical and theoretical studies in education, with emphasis on the experiences of successful educational systems in the Asia-Pacific Region and of the national educational systems therein that are presently underrepresented in the research literature.
The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher is indexed by Thomson Reuters (formerly ISI) and with an Impact Factor of 0.632 in the 2010 Journal Citation Reports/Social Science Edition.
Table of contents
Front Matter
Editorial Board
Research Article
Home-School Cooperation in the Changing Context – An Ecological Approach
Pang I-wah
Discipline: Education, Development
Active Agents: The New-Immigrant Mothers’ Figured Worlds of Home Literacy Practices for Young Children in Taiwan
Ching-ting Hsin
Discipline: Education
Teacher Receptivity to Curriculum Reform and the Need for Trust: An Exploratory Study From Southwest China
Hong-biao Yin | John Chi-kin Lee | Yujin Lee
Discipline: Education
Besides Using Transformational Leadership, What Should Schools Do to Achieve Innovation?
Hsi-chi Hsiao | Jen-chia Chang | Ya-ling Tu
Discipline: Education, Education Administration
Improving High School Students’ Statistical Reasoning Skills: A Case of Applying Anchored Instruction
Marlon M. Prado | Rotacio Gravoso
Discipline: Education
Influence of Internship Experiences on the Behavioral Intentions of College Students in Taiwan
Chin-tsu Chen
Discipline: Education, Psychology
An Exploratory Study on Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions of the Differences between Knowledge and Belief
Chwee Beng Lee | Timothy Teo
Discipline: Education, Philosophy
Student Experiences of Learning Technologies across the Asia Pacific Region
Robert A. Ellis | Brendan F.D Barrett | Christina Higa | Ana-maria Bliuc
Discipline: Education, Technology
Critical Thinking, Negative Academic Emotions, and Achievement: A Mediational Analysis
Felicidad T. Villavicencio
Discipline: Education
Motivational Antecedents of Academic Emotions in Filipino College Students
Jerome A. Ouano
Discipline: Education
Talking mathematics in English
Kok-eng Tan | Chap-sam Lim | Cheng-meng Chew | Liew-kee Kor
Discipline: Mathematics, Education, English
Exploring the Effectiveness of Using Peer Evaluation and Teacher Feedback in College Students’ Writing
Shih-hsien Yang
Discipline: Education
Development of Problem Solving Strategy Steps Scale: Study of Validation and Reliability
Tolga Gok
Discipline: Education
Reliability and Validity of an Information and Communications Technology Attitude Scale for Teachers
Wee Leng Ng
Discipline: Education
Effects of an Online GEPT Simulated-Test English Remedial Course on Test Performance, English Language Learning Strategy Use and Perceptions
Chuen-maan Sheu
Discipline: Education
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Services Provided by the Task Force on Language Support in Hong Kong
Barley Mak
Discipline: Languages
The Effect of Previous Subject Knowledge on Student Performance in the Subject of Principles of Accounts in the Hong Kong Advanced-Level Examination: A Case Study
Chi-kim Cheung | K.w. Wong
Discipline: Education