vol. 3, no. 2 (2022)
International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research
The International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research is peer-reviewed on a monthly basis and publishes full-length papers with a fast review process. It is to enhance the dissemination of knowledge across the multidisciplinary community. We are particularly interested in papers relevant to all disciplines. The editorial board has kept receiving articles that address all areas. Topics: Arts, Business, Economics, and Management; Current Events and Controversial Issues; Education and Social Work; Health Sciences; Humanities; Natural and Physical Sciences; Social Sciences; and Other Relevant Multidisciplinary.
Table of contents
Front Matter
Editorial Board
Editorial Policy
Author Guidelines
Table of Contents
Risk Management Concept Development of Pondok Pesantren Educational Institutions
Lely Ana Ferawati Ekaningsih | Nur Khusniyah Indrawati | Ubud Salim | Muhammad Djakfar
Overcoming Depression: Stories of Terminated Employees amidst COVID-19
Marlon F. Adlit | Irish Mae A. Ida
The Use of Computer-Based Interactive Games in Teaching Science Concepts for Struggling Learners: Basis for a Compilation of Recommended Games in Teaching
Allan H. Sumandal
Determinants of Firm Value in Indonesia: Financial Factors or Non-Financial Factors?
Diyah Pujiati | Maria Averina
Infodemic amidst the Covid-19 in the Philippines: Spotted By Vera Files.Org
John Cavin M. Sabonsolin
Exploring the Experiences of Senior High School Students on Business Simulation in the New Normal: Basis for a Proposed Intervention Program
Edlyn C. Amper
Indigenous Foods: Resilience against Emerging Diseases
Achla Pritam Tandon | Soma Mondal Ghorai
Sekayam Subdistrict’s Food System Activities and Local Food Security
Endar Purnawan | Gianluca Brunori
Can We Validate the Value? Valuing Automotive and Component Sub-Sector Companies Listed on the Indonesia STOCK Exchange during the Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis
Alex Soelistyo | Riko Hendrawan
Ctrl C + Ctrl V: Plagiarism and Knowledge on Referencing and Citation among Pre-service Teachers
Ronalyn M. Bautista | Jupeth T. Pentang
A Critical Discourse Analysis of Donald Trump’s Rhetorical Animosity Against Illegal Immigrants
Maico Demi B. Aperocho | Lois Alyanna C. Ates | Dona Bella P. Corias
Financial Literacy, Individual Characteristic and Financial Inclusion: A Study on Lecturers in Palembang
Fransiska Soejono | Anastasia Sri Mendari
The Best Marketing 4.0 Brand Model in Indonesia
Tedy Ardiansyah | Ian Zulfikar | Dipa Teruna Awaloedin